A Depressed Pride

I'm locked inside
I can't breath
I'm stuck inside a concreat box

Where's my savior
My angel of light
My true friend

I'm drowning in my fears
Darkness has taken over
My body an empty shell
My mind wandering forever
My heart gone long ago

You shouldn't have let go
Why didn't you see
Past my forced smile
To the real me

It's to late now
You missed your chance
I'm gone for good
You can't hold my hand

My smile was gone long ago
My sparkle along with it
But you still didn't know

I left you hints
I gave you clues
I did EVERYTHING that I could do

You still didn't know
You never even tried
To understand my feelings
A depressed pride

But it's too late now i'm gone for good
Goodbye to you
And everyone who never understood