
Tiny snowflakes from the sky,
little angels from on high,
twinkle to the carols cry,
come for Christmas cheer.

Down they flutter to my toes,
and gently tickle my cold nose,
come again to visit those,
who still are bound to earth.

Each one different from the other,
One a dad and one a mother,
one a sister, one a brother,
who’s time with us has long been spent.

Then are the angels who glow with gold,
who don’t, on earth, have someone to hold,
what they have seen, too much to be told,
these are our Guardian Angels.

We dislike the cold on our long winter days,
get lost in completing society’s maze,
but the magic of snowflakes can always amaze,
those who are looking.

I saw this snowflake and thought of you,
and all the good times we’ve been through,
this Christmas just know this is true,
I always will be there for you.