Why are we

Why are we the ones who damage us
We say others do it and we groan and fus
But look at what we actually did
The world is in chaos everyone just hid
We turn a blind eye to what others cause
like a bully on a playground no one else to enforce the laws
Then are we as bad as the ones who do the deed
just sitting there and watching others bleed
The earth drowns and money is lost
people die and no line is crossed
We say we are doing somethings but is that enough
those scratches aren't gonna just rebuff
Even in our own lifes we shun others for our blame
These acts are something of shame
We lose something we blame another
we can't get along we kill each other
We are all humans but we can't get along
we say "I hate this" and "this is a dumb ass song"
Animals can be good fine
they keep to themselves and don't say thats mine
Think about the last time you fought
what was it over and the trouble it brought
jealousy is a few of those things
Hate and spite along with it brings
I can say that spite will be leaded by that
at least once in your lifetime you'll dislike Jamy or Mat
People who you just wish you could be
and end up disliking them or me
Humans are a disturbing race
If they kill another just for a change of pace
Just to make their life better
they send a poison powdered letter
We all want but can't get
and we try to fight that and fret
So try to be nicer and try to not want
So this cycle of hate can stop it's terrible haunt
Think about the whole picture and be open minded
inspire others to be kind and not opinion binded
Think about these words that i say
So that others don't have to pay

Just an FYI i'm tired and this would have been better if i was awake

oh and a short story is coming out from me soon.