One Little Mark

A little mark upon my wrist,
So full of turns,
So full of twists.
Shedding all my tears,
RIdding me of all my fears.

Nothing a sweater cannot hide,
Nothing that will forever damage,
Or shatter all my pride.
Nothing thats too important,
Just something I do for fun,
Would you be ashamed,
To have me as your son?

For some unlawful reason,
I do it all the time,
I don't know why that is,
It is a worthless cause,
And I do not know what to do.

I think I need to end this life,
This painful road I walk,
Id rather do it this way,
For I have no gun to cock.

I'm sorry that I'm giving up,
There's nothing left for me to do,
All I ever wanted was for you to love me,
The way that I love you.