Let the young heart bleed

She sees him walk by and all she wants to do is die,

Him holding the girl that was her friend,

Now all she does is wish on what could have been.

Slowly, she walks by her heart sings a soft lullaby.

-- Oh, I wish it could have been but instead,

You chose my so called friend,

The pain I grieve just let my young heart bleed.

Tears roll down her cheeks as she watches them meet.

They don’t even notice her shadow beneath the tree,

They just go one like no one was watching,

Slowly, she sits down her heart sings a lullaby.

-- Oh, I wish it could have been but instead,

You chose my so called friend,

The pain I grieve just let my young heart bleed.

Beneath the shadow she holds in the pain,

What they had was just a game,

She slowly walks by one last time; she tells herself she’ll be fine

One last time, her heart sings the lullaby.

--Oh, I wish it could have been but instead,

You chose my so called friend,

The pain I grieve, please just let my young heart bleed
