You Loved The Snow, And Cried The Rain

© Kayla Shortridge, 2009

I'm staring out at this 'winter wonder land' watching snowflakes fall.
Whispering softly is the wind in my ear, and I can hear you call.
I close my eyes just to remember what if felt like there that day.
I hug my coat around me close and I can almost hear you say:

"I'll love you forever and always, until the day I die."
So I open my eyes now and wipe away tears for I will not let myself cry.
I release a long sigh and it seems as if I've been holding my breath for years.
And the last image of you flashes back in my head as I'm vulnerable to the tears.

Christmas, I thought was supposed to be special and you always made it that way.
But I'll never forget the look on your face when I lost you that Christmas Day.
I kneel down by your grave sight, as a tear rolls down my face.
I can't help but to remember you in all your wonderful grace.

You'd want me to be happy, I know this, and never to be sad.
But anger and rage builds up from that day and now I can't help but feel mad.
I brush my fingers over your name as I feel more hurt and pain.
Then I gently place the frozen rose on your grave and realize, as I stand, the snow turned into rain.