Just Who?

Just Who?

well this is a song i wrote. after the first lyrics came together, i grabbed a napkin (it was the closest thing) and started to write the song. i thought itd be one of those "u cant control me, ill live my life the way i want" songs, like my other ones are, but it came out more like one of those, sad romance gone bad songs......
enjoy! ^_^

Just who are you,
to tell me what to do?

What makes you think,
that you have the right?

Why do you,
choose to fight?

I have my own opinions,
and i can make my own decisions.

But everytime i try,
you make me feel as if i should die.

Now tell me why,
you think you can overrule me?

Tell me why,
you think that im not worthy?

Now tell me why,
i should give up and let you control me?

What makes you think,
that you have any right?

What makes you think,
that im not dying inside?

Why do you,
always choose to hurt me?

What did i do,
to deserve this kind of pain?

What am i to you?

Am i worth any importance?

Why cant you see,
the pain youve put me through?

Do you even try,
to understand that look in my eyes when i see you pass by?

Im dying inside,
and its all because of you.

And even though i shouldnt,
i choose to stay with you.

11:27 a.m.
okay i know it seems like a poem but its totally not. i guess when i wrote it a imagined amy lee, lead singer of evanescence, to be singing it. listen to her song lacrymosa, and youll understand what i mean.