This One Has No Title

When did this begin?
My euphoria has no end.
Wishing stars,
&& broken hearts couldn't ever save me.

Only your smile,
Has a lasting effect,
&& eyes turn to you.
Making them cry,
Is like asking why,
You do this way too soon.

Black is taking toll.
Bury everyone in a hole.
Corpses blanket the air.
You really do not care.

The fumes are making sense.
My blood is running think.
The sparkle in your eyes,
Changes the end of the story where everyone dies.

No one sees their lies,
Right where they barely lie.

Corners turn sharper,
Making every shadow darker.

Withering away,
Blurry past && future are here to stay.

Insomnia makes me groggy.
The breath of the sky is foggy.

Tears fall,
Your memory is called,
Making me sleepy too.

Pain is seeping through,
The wall that I made for you.

Hands grabbing both of us.
Take mine so they can part from us.
Your fingers fit perfectly,
Only with mine.

This is our one last chance,
To take a stance.

This one goes to,
Everyone who's gone too.

If you're leaving the world.
I'm gonna be right there with you