Burning Bridges

There was joy,
A long forgotten ploy,
To be forever with you.
Never knowing what to do,
And always waiting for a sign,
A time would come when you weren't mine.

That time had come,
And we were done.
Our friendship has become,
A song forgotten and unsung.
You've moved on and I remain,
A picture stuck in it's broken frame.
I can't go forward,
Nothing to move toward,
No rewind,
There's no behind.

But I wish I could be what you'd asked of me,
Someone whom could just simply,
Guide you through the hard,
Keep you on your toes, on guard.
Keep you from those silly mistakes,
That I never knew you'd make.
Because I wasn't ever there,
Because I didn't ever care.
But now I do,
But we are through.
It's too late now,
I can't seem to find how,
I had made these same mistakes,
And now I will finally wake,
Up and see what I have lost,
A burning bridge with the perfect cost.

We miss you Marykate.