The Start of the Revolutionaries

Some people call it beautiful,
the crying and the struggle.
That poisons our society,
with too much stress to juggle.
I'm hoping for less arrogance,
I'm wishing on a star,
That I can make a difference,
That I can push past scars.

The weak actions of those aloof,
Are only there to give me proof,
That we are ruining our chance,
For the perfect amenance.
We must teach our generations,
Standing strong for all the nations.
We must stand, must not surrender,
To the harsh and cold contenders.

We must build a world anew,
Where morals never fall askew.
Where there will never be a bias,
Even if we aren't all pious.
No matter what our race or thoughts,
There won't be any holocausts,
So I am wishing on a star,
This better world can't be too far.