I Am Going

I am going to be a writer,
poems of nature,
stories of love,
and tragedy.

In high school,
I’ll be with my boyfriend.
Hand in hand,
we’ll conquer the madness.

I’ll go to Kansas University
and become the person
I've always wanted to be,
while learning the skills of a poet.

I’ll study hard for my English classes
and try to pass my exams.
I’ll make my dad proud,
at his alma mater.

When I’m finished,
I’ll graduate excited,
thanking my parents for all they’ve done,
as I go out on my own.

I’ll find a nice guy,
we’ll have a big wedding, and have three or four kids
living a great life,
in happiness together.

I will thank everyone,
for keeping me strong.
Through all the sob stories,
and for pushing me forward,
when I never thought I could.

For all my teachers,
who will have left me with so much knowledge.
Teaching me the basics of math and writing.
I will thank them,
for helping me in my life.

To be a great parent,
and an excellent writer,
is what I want,
more than anything in the world.

I’ll complete my goals and dreams,
I’ll conquer them all,
with my friends and family,
by my side.