
Think about the choices you have made
was it about school or maybe getting laid?
Do you regret what you chose to do?
Did you hurt someone and who?
Choices are always hard when you want both.
But choosing the better of two evils shows growth.
Sometimes you'll have choices that will bring down some
But the best choice is to be the savior to people cold and numb
In which case you'll throw away what is best for you
And think of the people important and true
You may have to leave behind ones you love
You'll see them again even if in heaven above
If they are really friends they'll wait for you
To come back and see your old crew.
There will always be a part of regret
That part that wonders if it was the wrong fate you met
But it's over now theres nothing you can do or say
To make that choice change the other way
You can try to revert back to the other goal
But it may strain all mind body and soul
There will be choices that hurt no matter what
You'll make a bad decision and but you in a rut.
But lets hope you choose the smartest things over all
Cause no choice is ever quite so small
Don't shoot in the dark or hope for the best
learn as much as you can then act and rest
So in the end gather your courage and hold your breath
Don't give in at the wrong turns like drinking or meth
Live life as good as you can be
You won't regret it you all will see.