My Purpose is to be the Death of You

I want all of you to die;
Your the ones who made us cry.

I hate all of you so much!
This only happened because of your touch.

I took most of all your blame,
Now it's your turn to share my shame!

All of you should just drop dead!
I won't stop 'til I have your head!

You’re the reasons he left me here.
When I kill you, I won't shed a tear!

I'll kill murder all of you!
Maybe even a sister, mother, friend or two.

You ruined my love, my baby, my whole life.
I was supposed to be his wife.

It may turn out that he'll return,
But for now, I've got your bodies to burn.

You can run, but there's no place to hide,
For my insanity is where I reside.

I'll write down who I need to kill,
And maybe some others-just for the thrill!

Alone you'll die, when you’re still far too young.
You'll be lucky if I let you keep your tongue.

Should I use a gun? No, far too quick.
My shiny, new knife will do the trick.

Your death will be painful, gory, and slow;
You'll beg to live but the answer will be 'no.'

It's just too easy! It's the perfect crime!
I'll massacre you all if I have the time.

As they say, 'revenge is sweet,'
so sooner or later, I promise we'll meet.