Set Me Free

It's so far away
And it so cliché to say
But so close to me too
I could open my mouth
To whisper
And you could hear me.
You would hear me
But I am a prisoner
Of my own damned fear...
Fear of your silence.

They say I have a way with words
A certain "je ne sais quoi"
So they say
And so they say
But what do you say?
For you know nothing of me.
Because I am a prisoner
A prisoner of my own damned silence
Fear of saying something stupid

They watch me as I walk by
So similar to me
And yet so simple
They follow me...
Or so I'd hope
Because I am a prisoner
Of my own damned love for you
Fear of being alone.

There is a craving I have
That is to see your face
To hear your voice
And so I follow your foot steps
But then I stop
I stop to think about what I'm doing
And I don't know what to do anymore
And I am a prisoner
Of your own damned good looks
Fear of my heart shattering

I don't want to be a prisoner
Of anything or anyone
Set me free
From my fear of looking at your face
And seeing you looking back at me
Scoffing and turning away

I need this
We need this
We all do
Need it for our own security
To no longer be a prisoner
Of anyone, of any fear
To say what they want to say
And of the quiet that may follow
Because sometimes,
We just don't know