
Walking down a never ending path,
He can not seem to escape the world's pending wrath.
Tattered and torn,
His clothes show his status,
We drive by quickly and he smiles at us.
Limping along,
A patriot of the world.
Hoping for somewhere,
Anywhere to go.

Take a look at this role model.
He's inspired me to slow down,
And have a look around.
The world is full of sadness, hate, and pain,
But that moment I saw him,
I stopped for a moment,
And realized one thing.
That there are more people,
Identical to him.

A smile splashed,
Across his dirty face,
A balancing act that lacks no grace.

When you arrive in Heaven,
You'll be welcomed with smiles.
You will receive your wings,
And merciless trials.

Witness those who were worse off than you were.
Grant them just one wish.
You may be forgotten,
By everyone else,
But I will remember you,
And your bountiful hale.