I'm Just Writting What's Been Running Through Your Minds Since Day One.

I'm just typing out your mind
Don't wonder how I can
I'm just typing out your mind
Just so you know
Your face
It's not hard to read.
Be careful what you think
When your around me.
I can take thoughts
Right from your head
Write it all out
Even better then you thought it
None of it was even said.
And I know you
You think this sucks
Don't worry I do too
It was a random stanza
Not from you this time
So next time you see something
That you swear you've seen
Your the one who thought it first
I just stole it
In my ways
Don't wonder how
Don't be amazed
I'm freaking myself out
With theese stupid phrases
And mazes
You have me confused
And I know you are too
Becasue this peom seems to have
No. Point.
And I love to just stress
With this punctuation...
Because we both know
That I'm messed up
In the head!
I'm at odds
Your at the end
Pull my rope
Pull me in
I'm dying out here
In solitude
Your dying without me
By your side
In your room
In your head
Don't worry
Because I seem to be missing you too
You and your thoughts
They were so very absurd.
You thought I could read minds
Humor me.
You were right
Not in real life
Only in our heads
I can see as clearly
Like the sky is blue
I'm confused again
And so are you
See I can just tell
Or maybe
Just maybe
I have no clue...

Yep. I have no clue.