Quite Simply Angelic demon

It’s times like this I wish I could swear,
Or a least punch the hell out of something.
But no, I stop and count to 10.
Close my eyes and hear my angelic devil.

‘You could do so much more!
Why scream when you can hurt?
Why lose control when you can show,
The world who and what you are?’

‘But no sweet child, that would be cruel,
Turn your other cheek
And forget all that was done.
You are much better than that!’

‘Don’t listen to her – remember
This is not the first time it led this way.
A leopard doesn’t change his spots,
Nor can an angel her wings.’

‘Exactly dear devil,
Have I ever been wrong before?
Calm down, breathe easy
And try to forget.’

I leave my voices to battle it out.
Ignoring conscientious issues.
I do what is right by me and no more,
So goodbye my angelic demon.