
Vane, radical, ignorant in stupid bliss
I may be all of these things, but you don’t know what you miss
Yes I want change, and yes, I want truth
Something that you could never do, forsooth
I want a world with magic floating in air
You want a world with your “God” everywhere
As people suffer, life doesn’t go on
But for you it’s an everyday, teenage, song
“Philosophy sucks, they don’t work hard enough,”
And you think they work hard for their luxury stuff?
“Go get a job, stop lying around,”
Then will you hear the melancholy sound?
The sound of suffering, of a forgotten kind
Of a race shattered and not heard of in your mind
“Life’s not perfect, not like in your ‘we can fix everything’ world,”
Life’s not perfect, not like in your “My dad doesn’t do what I tell him!” world
Blissful? Me? As your sheltered self says,
“People who don’t have much money don’t work hard, greedy should get their way!”
Ignorant? Me? You who judges those by their money on hand,
They need to help themselves, of course, “it’s such an unfair land”
Humans are scary
As they wallow in greed
An example is you
The money you and your parents “need”