Suicidal 10 Year-Old

A girl that just turned 10
Already sick of life

A father who was willing to belt his children
An unloving man

A mother who was being controlled by the father of the girl
A dishonest man

A man willing to spill blood for control
A sick man

A husband who takes his wife to court for using his car
An old habit unwilling to die

A child willing to take her life at 10 to escape the pain
A child in need

A set a grandparents who raised their son that way
A pair of criminals

Another set who takes favorites
An unloving pair

A school who calls her a disease that needs to be taken care of
A sick group of kids

A want for love from her father after he put her mother in jail
An unanswered prayer

A wish for a better life
Still not found 6 years later