Going Back

I wish we could go back,
To the days where we knew it all.
And if we didn't-our parents did

I wish we could go back
To when our parents asked to talk,
And we weren't in trouble.

I wish we could go back
To when being nice
Was just something we did,
And not just a lucky roll of the dice.

I wish we could go back
To the days when you didn't feel stupid,
For playing on the jungle-gym.

I wish we could go back
To those perfect summer days.
With the wind in our hair,
And our imagination running free

I wish we could go back
To when the world seemed perfect.
All vibrant with color.

I wish we could go back
To the days of playing in the sandbox.
Where our biggest concern,
Was getting sand in our pants.

And most of all, I wish we could go back
To where life was so simple and pure.
To where life was carefree and reckless.
To where life was truely beautiful.