Uttered Secrets.

Can I tell you a secret?
Something that you can grab
From my lips with such a
Harsh grip that it can peel
Away my skin like something
That has already decayed?
Or do you already know and
Haven't told me the information
That you recieved from the
Gaping hole in my head
Covered up with dirty hair
That just practically ooze
Everything from my being
That tells my life story
And I hope you realize
You bashed in that fucking
Gap with your fucking fist when
I was afraid of what could come
You told me lies and I believed
Not lies of love but lies of what
To become and I took you to
My fucking heart with every
Letter you uttered from that
Disgusting mouth that
Has touched her perfect skin
What am I to become?
I'd like to tell you a secret
Something that wraps me whole
Into this new being I had to create
From being hurt by you.