Der Metzgermeister

Avoid him at all costs

When you see him, run away

Der Metzgermeister’s after you

He’ll get you if you stay

Wielding that butcher’s knife

He follows you around

Rope in hand and grinning

He’ll have you tightly bound

Der Metzgermeister’s after you

He wants your blood and flesh

He craves the meat, he craves the taste

He wants to eat it fresh

He’ll cut you into pieces

And store them well away

So that the cops can’t find them

Where he hides them, no one can say

And when the time is right

He’ll put them on a grill

And with a fork and knife

Eat and enjoy he will

A cannibal like none before

Der Metzgermeister takes his time

He chooses victims carefully

And gets them in their prime

Avoid him at all costs

Because it deffinetly seems

That Der Metzgermeister’s after you

And no one will hear your screams

By the way..."Der Metzgermeister" means "The Master Butcher"