Journey Through My Fantasies

Through the wood of my imagination I walk

Hearing squirrels jump and big birds squak

And along with the bugs and birds and bees

I meet the creatures of my fantasies

The spirits of the woods and streams

Whisp through the air and forest weeds

Under the bright yellow sun they fly

Or under the full moon in the black night sky

I walk past gnome holes and houses of elves

Through whose windows I see the immortals themselves

I see the bear-king with his court and his crown

And his Queen cheering those who sport a frown

I see the sirens that live among the trees

Beautiful women with hair like autumn leaves

They call you in with their charming song

And draw men to their deaths in sizeable throngs

I see trolls and goblins, pixies and dwarves

Faeries and night-wolves and knights with their swords

Dragons and monsters and witches and shadows

I see rodents running from the hooting of owls

This is my secret place where no one can go

My imagination, the safest place in the entire world