Sirens: Part I - Lady of the Sea

Lady, Lady of the sea

Out of the ocean, come to me

Let the sea waves lick your skin

Your beautiful body, guilty of sin

Many a man is drawn by your lust

Even at first sight, have you he must

But he will only end up on the ocean bed

To Davy Jones' Locker he will be sent

Come to me lady, here under the stars

Under the moon and venus and mars

I deserve one last pleasure before my life's done

Anyway, soon, my time will come

Better I leave with one night of pleasure

With one good night, with one last treasure

Than await my end with misery and woe

For up until now, my life has been so

Lady Lady, come to me

Lady, I must conquer thee

And then, my lady of the waves

Take me to my watery grave