Can you love me ?

I am sitting here on my bed, wondering if you love me.
You always shoo me when I want to be with you.
You say that your ashamed that we are in the same family.
You get angry at me when I do nothing wrong or if I make a mistake.

You tell me nothing when I want to learn about you.
You think I am joking when I am serious.
You left me alone when I needed your care, but when you needed mine, I gave it to you.
You talk on the phone and laugh with your friends, while I'm in my room, crying myself to sleep.

You say mean stuff about myself and I try to pass it by laughing, but later on I can't stop crying.
You mean so much to me, yet you treat me like a stranger.
You say I'm annoying when I need your help.
You tell me to leave you alone when I talk to you.

You are nice to me at times, but on very rare occasions only.
You almost never think about me, and when you do, it's only for favors.

I barely know anything about you.
Can't you understand that I want to be with you?
Don't you know how much you mean to me?
Can't you see all the sorrow you have caused me?

I know that somewhere in your heart, you love me,
but why can't you show me?
Please, I beg you, show me you love me,
before it's too late, before I am gone.

I need you to stop my crying,
to stop my heart from shattering till there is nothing left.

I don't know how much longer I can last,
so please, please save me from the darkness,
before I am lost, and most importantly,
before my heart is stained with all this sorrow.

Please, can you love me?