
As this year is coming to a close

I apologize because I already chose

And sorry to say that I didn't choose you

Because there were some things that I never knew

I didn't know that you were with someone else

I was stupid enough to wish on those stars and wishing wells

But right now, I still hold this certain annoying conclusion

That I might have to make a new year's resolution

A resolution that tells me to keep my feelings for you inside

Because I can't let you go and I can't let you slide

There are two days 'til Christmas and I just want you to know

That this holiday brings me frowns and no mistletoe

Because you're not here, not where you're supposed to be

Together alone by this Christmas tree

But I'm still ho-ho-hoping that you'd stay awhile

So this holiday can bring me just one smile

And just one smile is enough to last the whole year

To erase all those frowns and droplets of tears

If you stay, we'd be making snow angels in a cold winter's night

And when it gets too cold, I'll promise to hold you tight

Just so you know, I go through all this trouble and Yuletide cheer

Because i was hoping to get you for Christmas this year...