

Can fate be chosen?
Can fate be changed?
I not yet know what lies
At the end of my days

To some fate is just a word
To others it is god
I do not know what it means to me

I walk this long dirt path,
At my cross roads
I choose my ways

Some say fate is stone,
Written by god
Before we are born

Some say it doesn’t exists
That I choose my path
That fate is an illusion

What is fate?
God or illusion?
Real or not real?

I feel odd when people preach
About God, heaven, and hell
Why can’t they just leave me be?

I think I now know
What fate means to me
On this cross road called life

Fate, to me is death
An inescapable trap
Laid at the end of my path

But, death does not rule me,
I do not live in fear
I live everyday with a smile,

When I think of fate,
I see two roads
Identical paths, two different ways

So I stand,
Look left
Look right

Then up
The clear blue sky over head
Makes me smile

Then down
My feet
I smile even more

At last I look ahead
The horizon
The roads never meet

Now I step foreword
Neither on the left
Nor the right

And who knows?
Maybe fate is a little bit of both,
At times as real as you and I

Just like us,
Fate changes
Shorting or extending our paths

Only time will tell
Maybe, just maybe
Others will follow my trail.

Not the path of believing
Nor illusion,
Like all those before me

I spiral to my fate.