Shing Sparkle Sparkle

It's been a while,
I have to say.
since I saw you last,
my dearest friend.
Too long, since we've said goodbye.

I miss you know,
like I missed you then.
It was so hard to wave goodbye,
but the time to meet again is here.

I'll wave to you,
as you pass by,
so high up in the sky.
Like the wheel Ezekiel saw.
Way in the middle of the air.

You used to be my friend,
the one to tell secrets to,
whispered up on mountain tops.
But that was so long ago.
Longer now than it seems.

Kindergarten flew by so fast,
taking 1st and 2nd with it.
3rd through 5th were all a blur.
6th and 7th held no interest
while 8th just took it all.

Now 9th is here,
the worst to fear.
We tried to leave this all behind,
but it chased us with a vengeance.

So now we're splitting apart,
no longer one single heart.
Each with an idea of success,
each with a difficult test.

So now we're alone,
each sitting by the phone.
Waiting for the other to call,
none have the courage,
to say what we must.
No one knew how to trust.

That's how this came too be,
one stupid thing that lead to another.
One.... Silly... Thing.