
the pain still comes and goes like the summer rains
you said that with time it would heal.
i guess ill write that off as one more lie
right next to forever and always you will be mine
the day you left was the day i died.
somehow i just cant stand the pain.
but i wont give you the saticfaction of knowing after hurting me so bad i still love you
the days turn to nights .. as a smile turns into a frown
the cold baren winter reflects my heart
dead, cold, not whole
maybe someday my heart shall see the light again.
and thaw and spring to live anew.
or maybe i shall just let things be and fall into the cold and let it absorb me.
the cold stabing my body would only cause more pain though.
so i push on
i dont regret the past.. i only look forward to the future
i didnt give in