His Eyes Are Greener Than His Grass

Bountiful sun in the sky
Shining bright
I lay in the warm grass
My eyes closed lightly
Taking in my surroundings
The warmth on my sundress
Disappearing quickly
"You're on my grass."
I didn't hear that
I heard music flowing
It's origin unknown
I slowly opened my eyes
Hovering, covering me
A shorts clad boy
Long black hair
Glistening green eyes
Body of a god
Adorably annoyed look
It was perfect
He was perfect
"Can we share?"
I asked the question
Not fully scared of the answer
My one-track mind
Oh how I despise it
I looked over his body
Begging myself
Not to lick my lips
"Why not."
More statement then question
He lay next to me
We talked and talked
We laughed and cried
for laughter traveled to our eyes
Soon the sun
Gorgeous, was fading
"My grass or yours?"
Goodbyes were said
Dirty images in my head