The Monkey & the Lizard

The monkey and the lizard went out one day,
And neither of them had anything to say.
They stared at each other for hours and hours,
Until finally came down the rain showers.
They ran for their lives and covered their heads,
In the door and under the bed.
When the rain stopped, they came out,
Then, (I don’t know why but,) they started to shout.
The monkey and the lizard faced each other,
Then the monkey said, “Let’s go find your mother.”
They walked up the hill and down the road,
Then the lizard slipped on a toad.
The lizard said, “This toad looks like my dad.”
And at that remark the toad got mad.
It jumped up and attacked the lizard’
The monkey tried to stop him but she’s no wizard.
The lizard waddled up to a rock’
Saw a bird and began to talk.
“Help me, help me!” the lizard said’
Stop the toad or I’ll be dead.
The bird was busy building a nest,
So he did not hear the lizard’s request.
Back to attacking the lizard the frog went,
And in his head he made a dent.
They got some green paper and fixed him right up,
Then they got him a drink in a very large cup.
The cup was so big he almost drowned,
But he did get out and then he frowned.
The day happened to be Halloween,
For her costume the monkey was a queen.
They went door to door, and at one house,
They saw a very large mouse.
They were so scared they ran down the street,
But the monkey ran slow ‘cause she had flat feet.
They went home after the fright,
And they crawled into bed and said, “Good night.”