I'm Stuck On A Round About

I'm stuck on a round about
Stuck right in the middle
I take one step forward
And go three steps back

The endless circles
Going round and round and round
I watch the cars as they make there way
To where they want to be and go too

Here I am stuck in the middle
Stuck between crossing and staying
If I cross I could be free
But if I stay I could think through everything

Being free sounds fun
To be able to be myself and no one else
To be able to choose where I want to go
And what I want to do

But staying behind sounds interesting
I could stay here thinking about everything in hand
To know what I'm about to do
To see how I can live life to the full

Chooseing is a hard chose
To know what to do and stick to it
Could I dodge all the cars into being free??
Or could I stay here and think through my plans??