Seeing The Tears Fall

Seeing The Tears Fall
The loss of Loved ones.

No one will ever forget the day
The tears fell
My Uncle Jimmy was lying
In a casket

I remembered my uncle's fake smile
It wasn't the one he always wore
But the one funeral people "sewed on"

Uncle Jimmy was in his "famous Harley clothes"
The ones he always wore
People were all around
Everyone was saying "Why him? Why this young?"

My uncle was 38 when he died
Cancer got the best of him
And that's what makes me mad
But sad

I walked up with all my pain to you
I smelled the flowers
That were now getting old
Because they've been there for three days
I see the one that says 'My Uncle'

Tears roll down my face
I kiss you goodbye
Knowing I'll never see you again
This is just too sad for me to even
Begin to describe

My hand rubs your face
As I walk out the door
I watch as one-by-one the rest come

Finally, my cousin Micheal comes up
Micheal never shows emotion you see
He's 14 Too much of a "man"
He came out the door to me and as he passed by
I saw something that would change my life

Seeing Micheal cry
The tears rolled down his face
Something was weird to see Micheal cry
Making me join him

The people try to calm me down
But nothing would work you see
For the only thing that could make it better
Would be for Uncle Jimmy to be back

No one understands, but as I cry
I read the card for his funeral I remember
The famous words it said that made me
Stop crying for a while

"Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a
thousand winds that blow. I am the
diamond glint on snow. I am the
sunlight on ripened grain, I am the
gentle autumn rain. When you wake
in morning hush, I am the swift
uplifting rush of quiet birds in
circling flight. I am the soft starlight
at night. Do not stand at my grave
and cry, I am not there. I did not die."