
And it's so strained that I'm breaking now into so many little pieces that you won't be able to pick them up no matter how hard you want or can or care to try to crush my dreams or my soul is on fire from the inspiration you've given and taken all in the same breath you've spoken lies made of poison and venom and truths filled with honey all coated in sugar like your voice and your tone is so obviously fake that it's dripping and leaking all over the place like my tears that are stinging and threaten to fall tumbling down from so high up you couldn't catch me if you wanted or dared to just try to console me like this because you're the one who put me here under water in the vast deep blue sea and you're holding me down whilst I try not to drown and you're insisting you get it though you just don't see how I'm laughing at you while I do nothing but sit here and look thru the glass and wonder if you know that you've dug your own grave that's been robbed of it's honor and instead you're still under this six feet of dirt left me here just to wonder if I can pick up my own pieces or if you've taken a few because I know it's like you to leave the whole job undone and not trusting anyone to come near though you really do need it my dear to pick yourself back up after you've pushed yourself down and you're still falling believe it or not I've stopped long ago and moved on and you might have some pieces still with you but I didn't really need them anyway because they're better off dead with you instead of living with me because I've figured it out that they've been helping you drag me down and I've decided to not take it anymore and tell the whole world to stop and just have them and give them back to you so that you can go back and drown yourself even though I'd like to believe that it's all been a dream I have to move on

and let you go because it's not something new
I'm taking my bad parts and giving them back to you