Too Blind

I'm too blind to see
What is happening around me
When I realize it everything everyone is gone
Tears fall from the skies
As I realize what I've done
I look at my bloodstained hands
I scram in pain
Knowing that I did it
I will never live with myself
I curl into a ball wishing my life to end
I have no one
My heart turning to stone harder and harder
as I think about it
I will survive through it wishing I could beleive it
But no, I am destined to fail
I get a knife and hold to my chest
Slowly pushing it in
Expecting pain
But instead, feeling pleasure
As the blood pooled around me where I lay on the ground
I enjoyed it
Knowing my life was coming to an end
A great wash of releif overcomes me
The color in my eyes dying slowly
Until only a little speck of color was there
It then disappeared slowly
A last breath escaped my lips as
I fell into complete and uttermost darkness