Let it Go

If ever his hand could rest in mine
Without the troubles of yesterday
Without your tumultuous sighs interrupting
Maybe I could smile brighter still
For there's no more impatient corrupting.

Once upon a time I could breathe a little easier
Not feel so suffocated, so light in the head
But losing his grip was like losing a life
And in your reign of terror I couldn't understand
What kind of bitterness you could cause to awry

A comforting closure shall never begin
For in commitments, in words lies a promise
Separation won't cause two loving hearts
To fall to pieces, to come to conclude
For in another life, they shan't be apart.

Sealed with a kiss, she spat in his face
Ruined his emptiness with no other words
Let him love her fully, hold her closely
But your divine rules pushed in through our barrier
All other plans were shot down morosely.

In upon laughters, teasing plays
Thy thrust in your dagger, to put us at distance
But your harsh ferocity couldn't cause us to stop
We were in love, you couldn't, wouldn't see
Made us be broken with no more than selfish thoughts

Distance is pain, and it threw in its spears
Caused him to break through the seams he had sewed
That sealed up the pain in his broken soul
He fell apart, and as she watched him
She fell to pieces, and so fearful...

No one understood what could possibly happen
To cause such an innocense to go so wrong
But he was my lover, though lies he so wove
He tried to appease you, to calm you and free you
But away from his chivalry you quickly so flowed

He's on the ground, and here am I next to him
Defending, but being torn two ways
For in my love for you, and my love for him, I can't
I'm trying to be neutral but I don't have a chance
For pulled in directions, being forced so to dance

Can't you agree to disagree and stop
Stop tearing me down, stop hurting him so
I can't stand here and just watch him walk away
I can't stand here, I can't watch him go
For I love him, can't lose him, can't find the words to say...

Crying for him, on my knees panting
Pathetically begging for God's grace to save
But what it comes down to is peace between bitterness
And though you claim you're so different,
You're not, you're so closed off to openness

In my understandings, it's not all about him
It's coming off on him, as a soldier, he crashes
And watching him go down is such a blow to my face
I can't breathe, I can't smile, don't want to watch this
Why can't you give a grant, give some grace?

Nobody is perfect, lies are a flaw
But so is selfishness, so is bitterness
So is holding a grudge against someone
So is getting so angry at small things
All in all, before you blame others, check your own.