The Tale Of The Blue King

"The Tale of the Blue King"

The man wore bags under his eyes like a proud flag,
And he loved everything blue.
The world, it's sky; it's mid ocean tide, and even you.
He was king and he saw one thing,
Your deep deep blue heart.
He wanted what he couldn't have, and took terror instead,
Because everone knows fear is blue.
He reigned with fear and thought you'd come here to sacrifice your blue, blue heart.
But when you came and showed instead that your heart was infact red,
He was angered but remained calm and blue.
As he burned the towns down and you asked him stop,
He took your heart and burned it too,
And then he most arogantly said let it burn til its blue.
This is the tale of the blue king who took what wasn't his,
And the last thing he said before he died was 'I pass my blue reign to you.'