
As she lay down on the ground,
She felt whole again.
The hot summer breeze
Amazed her as she watched
The lilacs and daisies dance
Upon the ground,
Giving a private showing,
Just for her.
She took in a deep breath
And let the sweet aroma
Fill her nose and lungs,
Causing her tiny chest to rise
Like a freshly baked cake.
It was in that moment that
She truly realized
This is where I'm meant to be.
I don't belong in a house...
That's where I'm bound and chained.
I belong here,
Running happy and free
As the hot summer sun
Turns my pale freckled face
A deep golden brown...
Where the moon and the stars are my curtain,
And the grass,
My blanket
As the grasshoppers chirp,
Singing me the sweetest of all lullabies.
Oh what a sweet bliss...