Quotes of muah.

Ok, convinced by someone, myself and livelikeupreach, to do this, I'm putting my list of quotes here. There is no order. And if you have talked to me so far, you will find it...suprising

(this is start)(Remember, this gets crazy, and is not much of a 'poem')

Once a story begins, it must end. We can only wish it to last forever.

Don't call yourself immortal, cause when you do, you open the door to death.

One cannot change oneself, others do that for you.

Just because I hate someone doesn't mean I can't feel sorry for them.

Just because you haven't done something before, doesn't mean you can't start now.

I need a chuckle of doom. Hmmm... ;P

I guess the Akatsuki are pieces of property now.

All of my stories have no meaning/plot/story line, so I call them the 'scribbles of my mind'

Can I please just scratch my head in peace?

Santa mixed up is Satan =o

gyvb: ...My sister isn't normal T.T
someone: Why? She just likes teasing you about Deidara by saying Dei-chan.
gyvb: I know. Hits me like an arrow in my butt. T_T
someone: ...Sure... I thought you were into Hidan though.
gyvb: I am. Though she thinks I'm 'completely' in love with Deidara. She's started 'Hidan-chan' as well. T//_\\T
(OOC)Hidan: *sneezes**comes in room* What are you all talking about?
gyvb: Nothing!


My eyes! THEY BURN!! (after staying on computer too long)

*swifty throws pie at your face* Gotcha! XD

Suigetsu is funny, he reminds me of a younger Kisame.

Yea for sugar~ *glomps all in room*................*goes back to videogame racing*

I love evil grins, evil grins are fun, YAHOO! >=D

I feel happy, oh so happy, as I'm not waiting anymore~

I evilly wonder if evil Satan will evilly let evil me evilly join his evil ranks for evilnessly evilness and also for evil me evilly saying evil so many evil times in this evil sentence.

So many things, and too little time.

I'M THE EVILEST AKATSUKI EVER! Muwahahahahahahaha!! (I wish...)

I will work on my stories! .....In my bed.....In my notebook...Yeah. (I wish I'd stop that and put the stories online, people, help me here! TT.TT)

Woah. Hyper moment!

Bow to my pawn, knight! (Chess was boring, so I messed around XD)


I'm soooo a psychic (if only on tests DX)

cooookiiiiessssss...*follows person with cookies zombie-style, only to run into screen*

I'm sooo bored! Save me!! DX

Hee...heehee...heeheeeheee...haha...HAHAHAHA! YAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (seriously evil laugh, ne?)

I think it's just about half past time to run.

Pain must hurt. DX

MELTED MARSHMELLOWWWWWWWWWWWW! YUMMYYYYYYYY!! XDDDDD (very sticky though, takes forever to lick off the hand ;P)

I’m so evil~ >=D

As Deidara says, Superflat is the new pop! XD (However, I don't know where he says that...)

My friends don't even know I even know of anime, and it's taken over my life too XD

Here, booky booky booky~ ...Why are my ipod and phone on the bookshelf? ...damn that little midget...HEY!! (Here's me looking for my book of pictures I drew)(I found something else instead. T.T)(midget is midget61595, my little sister, on neopets and other places. Check google)


BOOK! I FOUND YOU! *nuzzles book* ...wait...why were you under my dresser??

...I lost my thinking cap~ I have a thinking jacket now! XD

hm...My thinking jacket must not be working...

Man! This food tastes nasty! But I'm so hungry... DX *is eating chex mix, nuts, goldfish and pretzels...from the same bag* TT.TT

Maybe there's still some ice cream left, or did I finish it...no, there's some left~ ...Darn it, only strawberry...T.T Blueberrys!! ...wait...that's midgets...darn it... ...Canned stuff like soup is all that's left.. TT.TT Maybe I still have some Halloween candy, hm...-eager face- (telling someone what food I have in my kitchen T.T)

Be back in 5 minutes, in a minute.

I like to correct mistakes, mine or anyone elses. A gift of stubborness, I think.

When night comes out to play, so do I. The night and I play this game, entertaining the both of us. When the sun comes, she decides to end the game. But night will always be back. Night will always be back...and the sun will one day die. (From my vampire story XDDDD)


Hyperness will really rule the world, and I can't wait for it~ XD

My hands hurt just thinking about wrapping~ Or is that typing?

Ah, I went 7 my time. Now it's 9...OMJ IT'S 9!? I thought I'd be home at 8 T.T (I said 'omj' XD)('omj' is 'oh my jashin' 0=D)

I've been hypered today.

I'm so loving and giving~ *evil grin*

I call hyperbud hyperbud, as he is my hyperbud! (friend on fanfiction)

guy: ...Crap.
someone else: What?
guy: *points at me* Her.
me: *smile and throws a cake at guy*

*People growl from behind me-* Well, I better run in circles now. Excuse me. *runs in circles, dodging all*

gyvb: I hate waiting.
(ooc)Sasori: Me too.
gyvb: We have so much in common. -_-'

An act of kindness will warm our hearts, but they won't warm our toes. T.T

You will not leave this room until you clean it. (my dad)
I'll never leave this room again.(me)

My trumpet is art. It had to be made to last forever, or at least a very long time. Therefore, it is art. And, the music it produces is beautiful and fleeting, making that art. In all, my trumpet and my playing are art. (For Deidara and Sasori on Naruto)

I'm not scary...unless I'm...hyper...Yeah...Haha...hahaha...HAHAHAHAHA! YAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HYPERNESS IS SCARY!

Man, I am NOT in a hyper mood today... (OMG! DX)


Be happy to have comments, it earns you many crazy friends!

It's true, people hate waiting, including myself. But no rush. Perfection takes time.

it's your own story, you get to do what you want wih it.

I didn't warn anyone on deviantart, as my random/crazy self was born around that time.

CalamitousCaitlin: can't make up your mind?
me: What mind?

I used to think anime was like another cartoon, but soon realized otherwise

I keep myself in check now, making sure people gradually get used to my crazyness instead of just bursting out with it XD I made THAT mistake on deviantart 0=D
One of the reasons we quizillians hate google, the messages are messed up.

One time I was so tired so naturally I was going to bed. But, I had to go downstairs, across a room, and back upstairs to get to my room. And it was dark and couldn't put on any lights at all or else my parents would kill me as it was late. And so, I took a look down the dark-stairs, took a step into the darkness... and whamed my head against the doorframe XD

I'm making me hungry T.T

I have fireworks in my room! ^^

Younger siblings hate the older siblings almost always. (In anime and real life)

I dreamed I went hyper/crazy and starting driving in a random car!

I wanna work hard... but I'm lazy

http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1631838/ = my fanfiction account.

http://www.fanfiction.net/topic/1106/2271969/95/#11673133 = chat board on fanfiction that holds my everyday chat life, with same username.