Thank You Mommy

Thank You Mommy.
The highs and lows of childhood.

She wailed when she hungry
since she was Just a baby.
A bottle fixed it All.
Thank you Mommy.

She scraped her knee
while Falling off the swings.
A band-aid fixed it All.
Thank you Mommy.

She broke her leg
during a Baseball game.
A cast fixed it All.
Thank you Mommy.

She screamed when the bad guy
popped Out of the door in the movie.
A shoulder fixed it All.
Thank you Mommy.

She broke down after he stomped
on her Heart after three months.
A carton of ice cream fixed it All.
Thank you Mommy.

She cried her eyes out
over her Grandma's grave.
A mother fixed it All.
Thank you Mommy.