The Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas at Keelan's house,
And Deirdre was livid in her new Christmas blouse.
Matt was now drunk, and had spilled his beer
Down her whole front, for his life he now feared.
"Who's that man over there?" Deirdre asked with curiosity
As Ian Malcolm calculated his heart rate's velocity.
Deirdre walked to the table still speculating,
And Malcolm realized her heart was for the taking.
"Hey, babe!" he said, winking for good measure,
As Deirdre's insides melted with enormous pleasure.
"Dee, this is Ian Malcolm," Keelan introduced,
And into a puddle Deirdre was instantaneously reduced.
"The pleasure's all mine," he said with great care,
Kissing her hand like a true debonair.
"Oh, you're all too kind!" Deirdre proclaimed,
"But I look a real mess, and Matt is to blame!"
"Ma'am, you look so beautiful, the stars must shine for you!"
"That is so kind, even though it's not true!"
Flirting like mad the two grabbed a drink
Whilst Keelan turned, and puked in the sink.
Love was definitely in the air this Christmas season,
Which Keelan thought should be considered high treason!
If Matt hadn't yet asked Keelan to dance,
Then why'd anyone else stand a chance?
But there was Matt Tuck, alone by himself,
Looking at the books that lined up on her shelf.
Yet there was one thing that Matt didn't know,
Above his head hung some mistletoe.
"Look at that, there, above your head!" Keelan said,
"You notice everything!" Matt replied with a shake of his head.
"I planted it there," Matt continued, "Just for you,
In hope that my Christmas wish would come true!"
"This was my Christmas wish too!" she said with a blush,
As he pulled her into a kiss that made her head rush.
"Well," Matt said then, "The only thing better, I take it,
Would be me and my band mates COMPLETELY naked!"
Matt gave a wink, and took off his shirt,
Where he threw it away all alone in the dirt.
"This," Keelan squeeled, "Is the best Christmas there will ever be!"
"Yes," Deirdre sighed, "I WHOLE heartedly agree!"