A Foe in Friend's Clothing

Doors may have shut and locked monotonously,

But my eyes never lost track of the ever ticking clock.

Faded walls the color of a lost and aged weeping sky

His Paints used as tools of asphyxiation; pale and cold.

Such a desolate landscape, painted pictures of nothing.

What would be my midnight fate? A non-existing dawn?

Dazed and confused with wide eyes, as

Screams sounded from sterilized bright lights.

My thoughts raced to and fro,

As my frightful memories began to slowly grow.

A stranger, yet a such a familiar and friendly foe.

Little had I known, he had trickery in tow.

An innocent offer he gave, one I thought he’d never betray.

These chains leave my wrists with halos of a forgotten gray,

The floor scarred with the fragile tears and screams of past victims.

No dark night sky to hide in, only tight corners of a never ending maze.

The full moon’s effect, my bloodshot eyes caught in a distant haze.

Distorted photographs cling to the walls of death.

Violent handprints line the ceilings forming spider webs of loss.

Time knows no boundaries in this begotten place,

Will anyone notice the absence of my innocent face?

I’m starving for the flavor of the sweetest fruit.

But I Don’t know what sugar tastes like anymore; I haven’t seen food in days.

Plotting my escape, hoping for a positive fate.

Locks cling to every door, as if in a passionate love affair.

The scornful cry of souls lost in desolation,

longing for a final destination.

The Mirrored walls see it all; my morbid misery.

Revenge is the poison in his blood,

through his delicate veins like the rush of a southern flood.

The taste of bitter bile erupts in my mouth when I think of him.

Sharp shards of glass briskly cut into my bonded hands.

My pain is overwhelmed by the thought of a vivid escape.

I am not the only one;

there are many more enjoying his torturous fun.

Hidden in rooms, chained to the ground.

Will they ever be found? Would I?

I quietly thought to myself with a solemn frown.

A pale light flashed in the far away distance,

Have I found a way out for an instance?

It was his way in and out, it was his way to his victims.

I recognized the rusted steel doorknob; he had brought me to this deceased place with

nothing but a smile on his face.

I opened the door, to find him gone,

but I knew it wouldn’t last for long.

His room contained instruments of movie terror,

My stinging eyes immediately flinched in horror.

I heard a scream. And then another,

As lifeless bodies passed from one life to another.

Then, an unspeakable event suddenly occurred,

Piercing sirens sounded, and resonated through the stale air.

I tried to scream as a flare the color of a dying sunset launched into the air.

But all the came out was a squeak of hurt; my vocal chords were thrashed.

The lights began to spastically flash.

Slowly, I fell to the floor, out and cold.

I had passed out from sheer fear, as I was told.

In this blinding white hospital bed I lay,

Thankful my escape turned out this way.

The cops told me the torturer was locked away,

no victim to ever see his face again.

They told me I was a lucky kid,

The only survivor of his horror flick.

I’m going to rest now; knowing I have peace.

And never think again of that eventful place.

The scars tell a frightening story on my face,

But I know I’ll never have to give that one away.