Your First Love, Your First Heartbreak.

Heart Fluttering.
Smile Irremovable.
Eyes Glistening.
Hands Shaking.
Your First Love.

The only thing you think about.
He makes you laugh.
Understands you.
Doesn’t judge you.
Your Fist Love.

All I ever see is you.
My heart beats for you.
We can make it.
Together forever.
Always and forever.
All smiles.
Why am I so lucky,
To have you with me?
Any girl and you pick me.
What do you see in me?
When you kiss me I cant believe,
My heart might burst.
My First Love.

Heart Crumbling.
Crying So Much.
Eyes Closed.
Body Shaking.
Your First Heartbreak.

The only thing you can see.
He made you cry.
Left you.
Didn’t care about you.
Your First Heartbreak.

Were did we go wrong?
We were so strong.
You said forever.
Who knew you meant never?
This time around I’m not coming back.
I’m not afraid to leave.
I can’t believe this is what it came to be.
Can you see what you have done to me?
Now believe you changed me.
So I’m leaving.
Never looking back.
Just face the facts.
My first heartbreak.