Twice, Again.

I talked to you all summer.
You were that kid who said my phone calls were annoying, but it never stopped me.
We felt so stupid together, that we apologized at the same time.

You have the most beautiful blue.
No, there is no specific place or thing.
You have the most beautiful blue.

I wonder if you thought about me at all in these months that we haven't spoken.
Tonight, things were rekindled.
We talked for the first time in such a long time.

I didn't even know I still had feelings for you.
I thought I was over these butterflies.
Guess Not.

I saw you tonight and immediately flushed.
I couldn't believe my own skin.
How dare it give me away like that.

I want to see you smile more.
You look so pretty in that shade of... you.
Gorgeous, Flawless.

But you wouldn't ever have me.
Because I am not good enough.
I never was.