The Third Eye Hides No Moon

The moon tells me all your secrets, nothing can be hidden from my eye. I have uncovered my third eye, and your drape has been pulled back. I see into you, i read you like a book that has infinite pages. You cant hide your face when there is no place to hide. Follow into me and learn to fly with me. I will show you how this third eye is uncovered, how your mind will be unclogged. You are so much more than what you believe trust in me and i will show you the way. Allow us to walk away on the pathway strewn with stars. The moon speaks to me, telling me of our fall. It looks down and watches and waits, watching and waiting. It tells me of a time when our minds will be set aflame and we will cross this lie of reality we know today. I will walk hand in hand with you through that fire, together we will come out unscathed enlightened. Show no fear for the unknown. Dry your tears and allow this to happen... For soon we shall be one with moon together forever, In your arms i will lay for an eternity...