friends and fiends

old habits, bad habits
run my life, ruin my life
contorl and destory
the habits come and go
mainly come

i run and try to hide
not making it very far
it picks me up
throws me down
kicking me on the ground

it will fix the problems
bring more as it does
why cant it leave me alone
just go away
never come back

wrist bands
long sleeves
are my only friends

they hide the real me
staying there to comfort me
catching my tears
hiding my face from the world
never leaving me to die

razor blades
broken glass
are the fiends

that plot my down fall
stalk me
looking for a chance
looking for a weakness
jumping me when i least expect them

nothing will hurt me
not anymore
the pills will take away the pain
the razors will bring the blood
i guess the fiends are really my only friends