

Words can hit me so hard,
They bring me to my knees,
But there's a worse shadow lurking,
It won't cease, even if I say please.

The comments can break my heart,
Dent my confidence forever,
But there's something else that scares me,
Brings clouds to sunny weather.

I am a normal person,
But with a wheelchair around me,
I can try to blend in,
But they will find a way to see.

Things they say can hurt me,
But it's when they stop and stare,
I always feel so helpless,
They think that I don't care.

The stares affect me the most,
When they stop to come and look,
With all the people that stare,
I could write a whole book.

They look on and on always,
As if waiting for a surprise,
The words, the comments can hurt me,
But what's worse is the eyes.