Oxford Coma

It's a drive through town,
that sets off alarms.
Every mile gets smaller,
and each street too familiar.

If this is where my life ends,
I have a solution.
I'm getting out,
out to bigger places.

This small town is suffocating,
taking every breath away.
It leaves me no will to live,
so now I must go.

If this is where I end up,
in a town too small to live,
then I offer a solution.
Leave. Run away. Get out now.

Once the light is green,
We’re heading off to bigger scenes.
Maybe a city with neon lights,
Or a place where you can’t see the sky.

Maybe a world where snow is a daydream,
And sunshine bares down on the land.
We could fly to a place,
Where school starts early and ends early too.

We could look back on the town we left,
And laugh at the cold, frigid hills.
When we lay in the rays of golden light,
We can smile at the unloved countrysides,
That we once called our home.

All at once, it comes flooding back.
Everything reminds me of those days,
When I used to play in the snow.
Everything puts visions of who I was,
Back into my head once more.
As a new person, I forgot.
Everything I once held dear.