What Do You See?

Look at me now tell me what do you see
I see a girl just over fourteen
She's sad
Not mad
But people can't understand that
No, they can't understand that
They're mean and they're ruthless
They don't really care
She shakes and she shivers
Theyre tainting the air
That she breathes
The poor girl
Lost, but not found
Just like a fine pearl
She's beautiful inside
And also on the out
The people, so mean
They've worn her out
So the girl, as she suffers
Lays down on the ground
And thinks, 'what have I done?'
She blames herself, the poor little one
So now look at me
What do you see?
Do you see something
That i used to be?
Or do you see me
Looking like any
Body else?
Do you see the me,
That sought to see.
Sought to be,
That girl, just over 14?
Or do you see
What i want you to see?
Do you see this illusion
This facade?
Whatever you see,
It all depends
On what you can be