
What is the word friend?
Something that will hopefully never end
You watch there back and they'll watch yours
They can come in ones twos and fours.
A true friend will never judge
they won't hate, hurt, or begrudge.
They won't treat you like they want to be treated
but do it as you want and make your words heeded
Friends can delight you or maybe heal your pain
They can even encourage, laugh, and be insane.
You may part ways and your bond you will forget
But your paths can cross again without a regret.
Sometimes a friend may hurt you as others do
But gather around the others they won't blame you
You may not always choose your friends but this is what i said
That friendship may be repaid in another way instead
You may drift off from your past your friends left behind
to get something you want most and not caring if you're kind
You will pay for this when you fall flat back to where you started
No friend will pick you up and help you because you both had parted
Remember keep them close no matter what you do
Your friends are great and sweet and always screw with you.